Sunday, 13 January 2013

London - Day 2 -

There is nothing more tiring than a second day and more exciting either. It has this sweet taste of freedom tainted with nostalgy and the fear not to deal with the things we are supposed to accomplish while being there. Today was one of those days, when fear and freedom meet and make a not so nice mix.

Fried Oreo, in Camden Market. Next step, try it !
Today was my first time in Camden Market. I had not expected anything really even though everybody came back from this place saying that it probably is one of the coolest place you can go to in London. And indeed, it is! There is only so much you can see, try and taste that one day there is not enough. My friend Julie was amazed to see so many nationalities gathered in just one place. 

Something else caught my attention, I am used to living in London but I had forgotten the fact that in this city, you are always surrounded by French. Wherever you go, it always feels like home but to be quite honest, feel like home when you are abroad, it really does not feel exotic at all! Well I guess we all have to live with this fact!

I am in this country for a long stay for the second time, but this time really feels different than any other trip I have done before. The importance of being abroad with people that you see everyday at uni is probably doing something. Not that I dislike it, it is just an awkward feeling. I am happy to be with those people I know in this very unique experience and I hope we will all make it through. 

I guess that is all I had to say to you today. I am tired because strangely even just an hour difference is enough to make me tired. Tomorrow will be a different and exciting day as it will be Monday!

Till then, keep up and mind the gap!

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